Last Saturday (the day after Valentine’s), we celebrated the culmination of a very special partnership between Coastal Federal Credit Union and the Koledji family building a home near Triangle Town Center that the Koledji’s will purchase and realize their long-held dream of becoming homeowners in the U.S.
The Koledji’s emigrated from Africa to New Orleans and were displaced when Hurricane Katrina struck that city in 2005. They evacuated on a plane that headed to Raleigh and they have spent the past 9 years seeking an opportunity to buy a home in which to raise their family. “All in God’s timing,” Mrs. Koledji said numerous times. Thanks to the generous partnerhship of the Coastal Federal Credit Union family---board members, staff members, and credit union members—that beautiful new home was dedicated on Saturday.
At the dedication, the Koledji’s presented Coastal and Habitat each with a festive Valentine’s balloon and a greeting card. Here’s the card they gave to Habitat, in one word simply and humorously describing how they feel about their opportunity for a simple, decent place of their own!