Underlying Issues

April 27, 2017

Storm water and flooding. Traffic. Crime. Property Values. Non-Conformity. These are all issues we’ve heard from neighbors near to the Trimble Avenue site for which we are seeking rezoning.  Some concerns, like stormwater, are legitimate, but are not impacted by our proposed development.  Some are not legitimate such as higher crime from townhome units or the often held belief that close proximity to affordable housing reduces surrounding property values.   When objections arise that conflict with previous objections, or when we see new sets of objections emerge as plans change in a favorable direction, we begin to wonder if there isn’t an underlying issue at play and if that isn’t an objection to who the future homebuyers will be.   Zoning is a tool that can be used to create thoughtful and well-planned communities that work for everyone.  Likewise, zoning can be used as a tool to maintain a homogeneous status quo, introduce bias and exclude groups of people from communities.  It is up to our political leaders to discern what is occurring and ensure that zoning adheres to the higher ground. The recent Op-Ed by North Carolina Housing Coalition executive director, Satana Deberry, makes an important connection between zoning and its importance to affordable housing. http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article146749804.html If you’d like to help with our advocacy efforts for affordable housing around this specific rezoning issue in Cary, here is a link to some specific actions you can take: http://www.habitatwake.org/20-april-2017-home-everyone-cary/