For the second year in a row, I’ll be spending Easter in Santa Rosa de Copán in Honduras. This year, I’m leading a large team of 19 individuals who will be spending a week working with Habitat Honduras to continue building homes that we started last year in the 31-house El Rosario project.
I’m excited this year that my daughter and wife will be joining me and also three board members from Habitat Wake: Steve McCulloch, Carolyn Baxter, and Delores Parker. We also have four of our Americorps members on the team: Dre Antono, Sarah Edwards, Nancy Hawk, and Matt Bailer. All told with this trip (our 3rd), we’ll have had 40 folks from Wake County take part in the life-changing work of Habitat Honduras. We have some other regular construction volunteers and some super committee volunteers joining us as well. We are aged 16 to 60+ and one of us even travels on a French passport.
This year, through our “tithe” to Habitat International, we’ll fund the construction of 30 homes in Honduras—one for each home we build in Wake. The cost of a Habitat Honduras home is $4,500, but I can assure you that the difference that home makes for a Honduran family is much greater than the difference experienced for Habitat Wake families. The poverty is just so extreme, that a 450 square foot adobe brick home with concrete floor and tin roof is seen as a gift from God—something that the Honduran families never expected to achieve.
Happy Easter to all of you! Please keep our team in your prayers for travelling mercies and for open eyes and hearts as we serve next week in Honduras. Look for blog updates from team members throughout the week.