Voting is a powerful way to use your voice and support affordable housing advocates running for office. Before you go to the polls it is important to remember that, starting this year, voters will need to present an acceptable form of Voter ID at the ballot box. This could include a NC driver’s license or any of the other types of IDs found on this helpful list from Democracy NC:
Acceptable forms of NC Voter ID
- Non-driver’s ID from NC DMV, free to residents who show a birth certificate and other documents. Must NOT be expired OR expired for one year or less
- U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card. Must NOT be expired OR expired for one year or less
- Driver’s license or non-driver ID from another state, District of Columbia or U.S. territory. Only if voter registered in North Carolina within 90 days of the election. Must NOT be expired OR expired for one year or less
- College or university student ID approved by the NCSBE. Must NOT be expired OR expired for one year or less
- State or local government or charter school employee ID approved by the NCSBE. Must NOT be expired OR expired for one year or less.
- NC Voter Photo ID card (free, issued by a county board of elections). Voter must provide name, date of birth, the last four numbers of their Social Security number and have their photo taken. Must NOT be expired OR expired for one year or less.
- Tribal Enrollment Card. Must be issued by tribe recognized by NC or federal government. May be expired or have no expiration date
- Military or veteran ID card issued by the U.S. government. May be expired or have no expiration date
- Public Assistance Program ID card issued by U.S. government or State of North Carolina. May be expired or have no expiration date
If you forget your photo ID, you can vote in a provisional ballot and take your ID to the board of elections office in your county by the day before the election results are certified (for the upcoming municipal elections that would be the Monday after Election Day).
To learn more details about the new voter ID law, Democracy NC has more resources that can be found here.