Uniting through Faith

August 16, 2024

Bibles to be handed out at a Habitat Wake home dedication

Habitat for Humanity International is a global Christian housing ministry. At home dedications all over the world, we have a tradition of presenting a Bible to the homebuyers.

We have this tradition because the founders of Habitat started this ministry based on what they read in the pages of the Bible.​​​​ They were convinced that Jesus was radically inclusive, ​​​​​​and so should we be.  

Habitat has a saying – everyone deserves an affordable home. And we believe that no one should be left out. Regardless of your race, your faith (or no faith), your background, or where you come from, everyone deserves an affordable home.

We count it as privilege to be in partnership with homeowners and supporters of many faith traditions. And while we continue to present each homeowner with a Bible at house dedications as a celebration of Habitat's Christian Faith, we also have a growing tradition of recognizing and including the beliefs of all our homeowners.

Homeowners presented with a Quran and prayer mat

Across several recent home dedications, our Islamic faith partners have presented a Quran and prayer rug to Muslim families as a celebration of their faith motivation to serve families in need of affordable housing along with Habitat's traditional Bible presentation.

Being able to acknowledge and celebrate the faith traditions of our many homeowners and community partners is essential to our vision of inclusivity in the work we do and the neighborhoods we build. And we are continually humbled by the commitment and passion from our supporters of faith who see God's love in action through Habitat's mission.

Home Dedication 1Home Dedication 2