COVID-19 is creating hardship for renters and homeowners across the country. In North Carolina, 43% of renter households are at risk of eviction and there is a looming foreclosure crisis for homeowners. Negotiations are underway right now in Congress to provide additional relief to families and businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We need your help to ensure that housing relief is a top priority.
The Senate and House versions of the relief package have very different costs and priorities. As members of Congress seek to reach agreement, we must push for bipartisan support for housing relief measures, such as an extended eviction moratorium, and mortgage and rental assistance.
We’re asking Congress to support Habitat for Humanity’s key priorities, including:
- The Housing Assistance Fund, which would work to support homeowners and renters that are struggling to pay their mortgage or rent through payment assistance programs, principal reductions, and more.
- WORK NOW Act, which provides resources to nonprofit organizations, like Habitat for Humanity, to keep their workers employed and increase their efforts to serve their communities.
Now is the time to reach out to your members of Congress!
It is critical that you email your members of Congress TODAY urging them to include housing relief in the next COVID-19 package!
Get active on social media
Make your voice heard by posting on social media and encourage your followers to do the same! Tweet now to share this action with others in your network. You can also use the sample messages below:
Option 1
North Carolina is facing an eviction and foreclosure crisis. #Congress must prioritize housing relief in the next #COVID19 package to ensure housing stability during the pandemic and beyond! #CostOfHome
Option 2
You can’t shelter in place without an affordable place to call home. It’s critical for #Congress to include housing relief in the next #COVID19 package. #CostOfHome
Tag your member(s) of Congress: @SenThomTillis @SenatorBurr @RepDavidEPrice @RepHolding
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