The Supreme Court ruled yesterday to overturn the eviction moratorium, meaning that landlords can begin evictions for residents behind on rent. This decision puts the over 6 million households behind on their rent at risk of losing their shelter amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
The court’s ruling also comes at a time when only a fraction of rental assistance has been distributed to families in need. States and localities have distributed only 11% of rental assistance dollars, meaning that a wave of evictions could occur before households can access the assistance. A stay on eviction proceedings is critical to ensuring North Carolina residents that qualify for rental assistance do not become displaced or homeless before they can access assistance.
We need to act now: Call on Governor Cooper to issue a statewide eviction moratorium in North Carolina
Use the email template below to guide your message to the Governor
Dear Governor Cooper,
I am a resident of North Carolina, living in [Town/City]. I am writing to urge you to issue an eviction moratorium across the state of North Carolina to protect families now at risk of eviction due to the Supreme Court’s ruling.
There are currently over 200,000 households in North Carolina behind on their rent that are facing eviction. Families in our state need protection from displacement, homelessness, and the surging COVID-19 pandemic. The overturning of the eviction moratorium is coming at a time of crisis in both housing and public health.
I am calling on you to halt evictions in North Carolina at least until all rental assistance dollars are in the hands of those who need it. This is a critical need for the safety of all North Carolinians.
Thank you,
[Your Name]