Home Preservation

In addition to building new affordable homes, Habitat Wake also preserves existing homes to help keep them affordable.

When people aren’t able to make the repairs necessary to maintain their homes, they are forced to sell those homes, often at less than market value. This displacement leads to the loss of an affordable unit and often contributes to gentrified neighborhoods that drive up property taxes for existing residents.

We have joined forces with Rebuilding Together of the Triangle (RTT) alongside other local housing providers to streamline applications. RTT handles all application intake. Habitat then select projects that we can complete with volunteer or subcontractor labor and contract with the homeowner to complete the work.


Apply Through Rebuilding Together


Selection Criteria

Please note, like all repair and preservation organizations in the area, RTT has an extensive wait list.

  • Homeowners must be residents of Wake County who have lived in their home for at least two years.
  • Homeowners also agree to remain in their homes for three years after the work has been completed.
  • Homeowners must be up to date on property tax payments.

Rebuilding Together evaluates applications on a rolling basis. If initial criteria are met, they will do a site visit to determine whether the project is a good fit for their program. 


Project Types

  • HVAC
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Shower Conversion
  • Siding Replacement
  • Roof Replacement
  • Decks & Ramps
  • Painting
  • Flooring Repair
  • Weatherization
  • Window & Door Replacement