Honduras Day 3

October 9, 2014

Here is the Habitat Honduras Global Village trip blog from Day 3, written by Sainjeev. Check back daily to follow their trip!

Today was another beautiful day in Honduras, and especially great after a night of being sick (nothing too extreme). We had begun the day with our usual 7 am breakfast and then off to the work site. We started our work day with the exhausting work of digging trenches. Working on the site brought to light two thoughts: one being even with the language barrier how easy it is to communicate to others when working towards a common goal; and secondly being how much we take manual labor for granted.

Working with Ricardo, the son of the family, was not difficult at all. Even without speaking to each other, we knew what work needed to be done, and we executed it with out hesitation. Living in the States, I take manual labor for granted. Instead of digging by hand, we would usually use a bobcat or even hire someone else to take the job. Working with my hands on such a difficult build makes me realize how organic life really is, and how desensitized we are to the amount of technology we use.

After our build, we visited a local girls orphanage. Once again, I saw how easy it is to communicate with others when working towards a common goal, no matter the language. We played basketball with the girls, and without explaining, they knew how to work with us as a team to play a very fun game of basketball. I was astonished by how they welcomed us with such hospitality and how they opened their home to us. This is definitely something I will never forget.

In the end it was an extremely difficult and long day, but nothing a little sleep couldn't fix.
