This past Wednesday at Habitat for Humanity’s biennial U.S. national conference, Rev. Andy Stanley of Atlanta’s North Point Church provided some teaching around the story in Mark 6:30-52. Andy is a gifted teacher and communicator and he opened some new insights for me as he suggested that this was not primarily a lesson about abundance and scarcity or even miracles, but rather one of Jesus teaching the disciples what it means to depend on God and not on their own human efforts. At Habitat Wake, we are about to conclude a strategic planning process that will guide our work for the next three years. In the draft plan, we have language that says that we seek to be an organization that: “Is willing, in faith to strategically evolve the organization on behalf of those in need and rely on the promises of God’s provision.” Andy concluded with a prayer that I hope we can make our own at Habitat Wake: “Thank you, God, for what we have even though it is less than what we need to do the task you’ve placed before us. We’ll give our best and let’s see what you can do with it!” More on the strategic plan coming soon! Stay tuned.