We posted Monday about the devastating effects President Trump’s budget would have on affordable housing in Wake County. The budget calls for elimination of every federal program used by the Habitat network, which has severe implications in Wake County, but also for communities across the country. Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International released the following statement in reaction to the Administration’s budget proposal: Habitat urges Congress to protect social safety net programs that support affordable homeownership opportunities ATLANTA (May 23, 2017) – The White House today released its full fiscal year 2018 budget request, which proposes to eliminate funding for programs that further Habitat for Humanity’s efforts to address the affordable housing crisis across the United States. Proposed cuts include the Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program, or SHOP, the Community Development Block Grant, the HOME Investment Partnership Program and the Corporation for National and Community Service. These vital programs allow Habitat and other organizations to empower more people to access all-too-rare opportunities for affordable homeownership and help provide the tools they need to build better lives for themselves and their families. Decent, affordable housing provides the stability individuals and families need to improve their health and education, enhance their financial growth and security, and strengthen their neighborhoods. Habitat encourages its supporters and all advocates for affordable housing to contact their members of Congress and urge them to support adequate funding for these critical programs in the fiscal year 2018 budget.
Statement from Jonathan Reckford, CEO, Habitat for Humanity International:
There has never been a more important time for the American people to stand up for quality, affordable housing. Simply put, this proposed budget lays waste to invaluable programs that are absolutely vital to meeting the needs of families desperate to raise their children in a safe, decent and affordable home. For Habitat for Humanity, this is a moral issue, not simply a budget one. We will always be a strong and firm voice as we advocate for and partner with those among us who must be remembered, who must be allowed opportunity, who cannot be cast aside. Without the proven programs that are now sadly in jeopardy, too many of our neighbors and fellow citizens will be denied access to the tools they need, to a hand up that helps them build better lives. These tangible, practical and fruitful investments play an important role in furthering the reach of Habitat’s work, and we call upon our elected officials to not lose sight of the effectiveness and significance of these programs in communities large and small as they consider this White House budget request. We must never forget that helping more families build and improve decent places to call home only serves to strengthen the fabric and economies of the cities and towns in which we all live and work. May we align our federal budget priorities accordingly.