Raleigh voters will consider a bond for affordable housing during this year’s election. If passed, the bond will generate $80 million in funding to create housing opportunities for Raleigh residents.
Habitat Wake supports the Affordable Housing Bond and we encourage you to vote YES to increase access to affordable housing in Raleigh.
Habitat Wake’s CEO, Bill Ahern served as a member of the Affordable Housing Bond Advisory Committee, along with 24 other community leaders and housing advocates.
Funding from the bond will be used to purchase land for affordable housing near public transportation, make critical repairs for existing homeowners, assist first-time homebuyers with down payments, support nonprofit housing organizations and expand the number of affordable rental homes.
We need many strategies to address the need for affordable housing. Funding is a critical piece of the solution. More must be done, but the bond is an important step in the right direction.
Even if you don't live in Raleigh, you can still help the effort by helping to get the word out!
Take action
- Vote YES for affordable housing
- Request a yard sign
- Talk to your neighbors, friends and family about the bond and encourage them to support it
- Follow and share on social
Visit voteyesraleigh.com to learn more.
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