News & Updates

  • Honduras For Easter

    For the second year in a row, I’ll be spending Easter in Santa Rosa de Copán in Honduras.  This year, I’m leading a large team of 19 individuals who will be spending a week working with Habitat Honduras to continue building homes that we started last year in the 31-house El Rosario project.

  • Love So Amazing

    We are in the Christian season of Lent.  The 40 days prior to Easter.  We think of Lent as a season where we give up something important to us in order to place our focus more intently on God.  In our Christian tradition, Jesus gave up his life to pardon all of our sins.  I have to ask myself what can I sacrifice in my life that others might be able to experience God’s love in their life?

  • Build Louder

    I attended Habitat for Humanity’s annual legislative advocacy conference in Washington,  D.C. earlier this week.  Habitat has long held that our building houses alone will not get us anywhere close to eliminating substandard housing from the world, but that our building of homes plus a strong advocacy voice will be what it takes.

    In Proverbs 31:8-9 we hear our call to advocacy:

    “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
    Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

  • Get Moving!

    I was in a workshop on Saturday at Providence Baptist Church, led by Dr. Brian Fikkert, one of the co-authors of When Helping Hurts:  How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor.  I am excited by the conversation that this book is framing among local churches seeking to be engaged locally and globally in alleviating poverty as a calling from God.

  • Share The Love

    I found ten biblical references to the concept of loving your neighbor as yourself.  These are prominent words and ones that we’ve all heard many times.  At Habitat, we see it acted out all the time. Last night, Habitat Wake was blessed to receive a commitment from Coastal Federal Credit Union to partner with us to fund the building of a house plus the lot the house will be built upon.  They handed us a $100,000 check to make that happen.  Events like that are always exciting!

  • Thankful

    I just wish all of our donors and volunteers could be around to hear the incredible words of heartfelt gratitude that we hear from those we serve. At Sunday evening’s Holiday Home Tour, we heard from Capt. Dwayne Robinson (U.S. Army) who moved into a Habitat Wake house with his mother  20 years ago when he was 11.  Dwayne was so eloquent in speaking about how much having their own home has meant to his family and how he is now a proud homeowner along with his wife and young family.